Welcome to the class blog. This will be a place for you to view the amazing classwork which is happening throughout the year. Take time to read the notices and to post messages. Please feel free to comment.

Joshua's birthday party

Joshua's birthday party at the Air Force Museum

Josh's birthday party was at the Air Force Museum, they learned heaps about planes!
Josh said that his favourite part of his birthday party was throwing the grenades (aka water balloons).  A picture of them all taking aim to throw some together. 
Mums favourite part was when they were all in the plane pretending to be para troupers and the leader lady asked where they were flying to and Josh said "Africa". When asked what they would go to Africa for Joshua responded to help poor children who didn't have enough food to eat.  When asked what they could do to help Josh thought they could give them $500!  
Mum was so proud of Josh!

A BIG Welcome to Angus

A BIG welcome to our newest addition to our 
class family!!! 
 Joshua's new baby brother . . . 

Art Attack - Morepork

Art Attack - Morepork on PhotoPeach

Art Attack - New Zealand Morepork
We did a painting of one of New Zealand Native Animals.  

We discussed the following:  
What does "native" mean? 
We looked at different NZ Native Animals and decided to paint the Morepork.  We discussed the shape, sketching procedure, techniques and colour we should use and the background we want to use.  We had heaps of fun painting the Morepork. 

Discovery Time

Discovery Time

Today at Discovery Time we used our CARE Values and showed how to 
Relate to Others

Well done Katie, Zoe S and Jessica H.

Room 23 is proud of you!


Every Monday we will draw a name out of our Mathletics hat to receive the Mathletics award.
How do I get my name in the Mathletics hat? 
Working on Mathletics at home and in my free time at school.

Our first 'Super Mathlete' 

Congratulations Joey!!!

Crusaders Visit Oaklands School

Crusaders visit Oaklands School  

Two members, Kieran Read and Tim Perry of the Crusaders rugby team visit our school today.

Harold the Giraffe 

This week our Integrated Topic work is Life Education with 
Harold the Giraffe.
Our topic is Happy and Healthy.  We explore a variety of emotions especially those connected with coping with change, and how we can help others to fin in and cope with new situations.
Key Messages:
Our feelings belong to us.  
It's how we deal with our feelings that is important.
What it means to be friendly to others
We are learning to....
* Name different feelings and when we might feel these.
* Accept that people feel differently about things that happen and work out some ways to cope with our different feelings
* Think about how others might be feeling and be kind.
* Name some ways to keep ourselves and others safe at school.

Jessica A's project about the Solar System

Jessica A has been learning about the solar system from a book called "The Universe Rocks". 
Jessica and her mum read about Saturn and its moons, Jessica especially liked Titan because of the 'ice volcano' spewing out ice instead of lava!
Jessica made the planet Saturn out of a polystyrene ball, cut in half, covered with glue and glitter.    
She then took a CD and gave it the same treatment.
The two pieces of ball are held together with tooth picks through the centre of the CD, forming the planet.

Jessica used a paper clip inserted at an angle to hang as a mobile above her bed.
Well done Jessica!

Our Class Treaty

Melissa - Gymnast of the day!

Melissa - Gymnast of the Day!

On Thursday Melissa started a new gymnastics class at Olympia Gymnastics.  
Her coach was so impressed with her hard work during her session that she was awarded “The Gymnast of the Day” certificate.  Melissa had to show the coach how to get onto the beam (just like getting on a horse!), practice her backwards rolly pollies and do a front roll on the bars.
Well done Melissa!!

Fun Day at Jellie Park

A Fun Day at Jellie Park  21st February 2014

What a wonderful day we all had at Jellie Park! Swimming and playing with the equipment or just rolling down the grassy slope. 
We all showed our fantastic CARE values by being really sensible, well behaved in an out of the pool.

A Huge Big THANK YOU to our lovely parent (Liz  - Zoe’s Mum, Yvonne - Jame’s Mum, Vivian - Rose’s Mum and Tim and Tanya - Gustan’s parents.),  who went with and took care of us.