Welcome to the class blog. This will be a place for you to view the amazing classwork which is happening throughout the year. Take time to read the notices and to post messages. Please feel free to comment.

2014 Term 1 Mathletics

2014 Term 1

Super Mathletes for Term 1: 
Bella, Charlie, Gustan, Jessica A and Charlie

2014 Term 1 Mathematics Home Learning

Term 1 2014

Mathematics Home Learning Super Stars for Term 1: 
Rose, Katie, Luke, James and Jamie

Katie - Gymnastis Competition

Katie competed in her end of term 
Gymnastics Competition

This week Katie competed in her end of term Gymnastics Competition. There were four categories – Floor, Beam, Vault & Bar. Katie tried her best and came home with a medal for Vault and Beam along with a certificate. She really enjoyed the challenge and is looking forward to more competitions.

Integrated Topic

 Integrated Topic

Our Big Idea
Relationships are the foundation of a happy community.

Skill Focus
I can participate and contribute to a restorative conversation.

Deep understandings
The children will understand that:
there are many perspectives and types of conflict
there are a variety of ways to rebuild a relationship

We describe and define feelings and relationships, using the hexagons.

Rose's Maths home learning

Rose's Maths home learning
I Walked around the streets 
guessing the next number on the letter box.
I did skip counting in 2’s.

Jamie - A swarm of bees!

A swarm of bees!

Jamie and his mum found a swarm of bees in the front yard at 3.30pm.   They rang a beekeeper to come get them.  He came at 5 and coerced them into a bag once he got the queen. They are all gone now.  It was quite amazing for us to watch and since some of the class read the book about Nana and the bees today they thought it was relevant and wanted to share it with the class.

Jamie wrote:  
“When I got home from school I looked out the window and saw a whole lot of bees!  I showed them to my Mum.  She was so surprised she couldn’t believe her eyes!”