Welcome to the class blog. This will be a place for you to view the amazing classwork which is happening throughout the year. Take time to read the notices and to post messages. Please feel free to comment.

Birthdays Conlan, Ben and Noah

Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays!!

Conlan, Ben and Noah

Neil Shaskey's workshops

Our focus for Week 9 is Self Portraits and Portrait artists. 

Look at us working with Neil Shaskey's workshops.

Constable Ross visit our class

Constable Ross visit our class 
Keeping Ourselves Safe
My Body is My Own and Touch

I am a Bucket Filler

I am a Bucket Filler 
Well done Scarlett!!

Crusaders visit Oaklands

Crusaders visit Oaklands

Our Multicultural Day

Our Multicultural Day
Multicultural Day in Room 23 on PhotoPeach Multicultural Day in Room 23 on PhotoPeach