Welcome to the class blog. This will be a place for you to view the amazing classwork which is happening throughout the year. Take time to read the notices and to post messages. Please feel free to comment.


We started to build an animal for one the Year 2 habitats.

                                  Everyone was busy.

Our creations so far.


We have been learning about probability.
 We had to decide how likely it was or unlikely that the M and M we pulled out of the packet was  what we predicted.
 We are grouping the M and M's into colours to see which colours you are more likely to get in a packet.
We are matching pairs of cards to see who is more likely to win. We found out that the player who was making pairs of un matching cards was more likely to win and that this was not because of luck.

CARE Values

                         This week's CARE Value is "The Library"

Room 23 showed each other how to read in the library, how to turn the pages of a book nicely, and how to put the book back on the shelf.

                                        Top effort everyone. Kai Pai.


We are learning to recite a poem using expression. The children supported each other by rehearsing in a group.

Library Books

Easy Blog Photo
We are learning to put the library books away tidily.
The Book monitors did a super job tidying them up.


Easy Blog Photo

We made posters about saving the sea. Stop putting rubbish in the sea so the sea animals can live in an unpolluted habitat.


                 We were using adjectives in writing to describe the object.
                        We each took a turn describing the object.
                              We worked in groups and helped each other out.


                                        We are making clocks.
                             Today we are painting our clocks.
                              Everyone was super engaged this morning.