Welcome to the class blog. This will be a place for you to view the amazing classwork which is happening throughout the year. Take time to read the notices and to post messages. Please feel free to comment.

Pirate Sofia concludes our story of Winklepoo the Wicked

Many thanks to our Giraffes Reading Group - we have enjoyed you reading to us about Winklepoo The Wicked!

Awesome reading Pirate Sofia :)

Winklepoo The Wicked Continued.....

On Friday Pirate Caleb entertained us with some more of Winklepoo the Wicked

Pirate Will enjoyed reading us a little bit more of Winklepoo the Wicked on Thursday

Jessica gave Room 23 an interesting talk on being a Pippin.
Thanks Jessica-You are a Star 

Here's Sam explaining what he did at Science Club today at Discovery Time

Winklepoo The Wicked

Room 23 have had visiting Pirates read to them this week.
We have been enjoying the antics of Winklepoo The Wicked!

Keep a look out on our blog for some more Pirate Readers!

OUR BROAD BEAN PLANTS-How they have Changed!

We are very proud of our Broad Bean Plants and how well they have grown. We have had a great time growing them this term.
Our experiments have proven plants need water and light to grow well.