Welcome to the class blog. This will be a place for you to view the amazing classwork which is happening throughout the year. Take time to read the notices and to post messages. Please feel free to comment.

Term 2 Mathematics Home Learning

Mathematics Home Learning

We are so clever!!

Well done Room 23!

Welcome to our New Little Baby!

Cara's New Baby Sister.
Welcome to our New Little Baby!

2015 Term 2 Cross Country

2015 Term 2 Cross Country

2015 Term 2 Blogging

Blogging in Room 23
We are so clever!!
Blogging almost every day our own learning!
Mums and Dads, please check out our 
Mrs Bergmann is very proud of us!

Movement and Force

Movement and Force

We have been learning about movement and 

force and how we can change how fast or how 

slow our toys like a ball or a toy car moves by 

changing the force.

We build ramps and 

discovered that:-

If we push the car/toy hard it goes fast.

If we push the car/toy softly it goes slow.

If we push the car/toy down a steep ramp it 

goes faster and furtherer.

If we push the car/toy down a small ramp it 

goes slower and not really far.